Mineral Resources 2022 Workshop

2022-11-14 to 2022-11-19
Type de manifestation: 

The aim of the “Mineral Resources” 2022 workshop is to bring together various players from the world of research, public institutions and industry to discuss issues concerning the responsible and sustainable supply of metals and materials to French industrial sectors, particularly those linked to the ecological transition.

The goal of this course will be to present the different prerequisites for implementing the sustainable and responsible management of mineral resources in the service of French and European sovereignty and to secure supply lines for strategic industrial sectors.

The school will be hosted on the Orléans Geosciences campus and will be jointly organised by CNRS-INSU, BRGM and the University of Orléans. It will be possible to participate online in webinar mode.

The format of the workshop will ensure the promotion of research among young people, based on interdisciplinarity. The training course will provide participants with basic knowledge and standardised terminology, which is essential for developing an interdisciplinary community.

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