A slight change is to be noted in the new governance of the LabEx since 2020, in the new organisation, the Executive Board is the central body that coordinates the activities of the projects and represents the interface between political and operational levels. This structure relies on the combination of a top-down and bottom-up approaches in order to connect the general strategy decided by the Executive Board in-line with LUE strategy and the operational committees. The functional organization chart provided hereby shows the LabEx integration into LUE and external networks.

The governance of the LabEx R21 is composed of an Executive Board that coordinates and implement the project activities with the help of a project manager and a project management officer. The Research and Education committee is composed of the leaders of the PRT and the education coordinator. It lays down the priority directions for research, education, organisation and strategy, and it reviews scientific projects. The PRT leaders are in charge to implement the actions defined by the Research and Education Committee and the Executive Board. The scientific council issues an opinion on the directions proposed by the Research and Education Committee. A strong link with industries through relevant tools (SATT SAYENS, M2P, ICEEL) and with the others LabEx at UL will be favored in order to increase the strike force and the international visibility of Labex R21, LUE and UL. For this goal, co-funded programs will be implemented in order to stimulate the interfaces between natural resources and metallic materials (LabEx R21- Labex Damas) as well as between mining and forest preservation or tropical agromining (LabEx R21- Labex Arbre which is deeply involved in French Guiana projects).

Restricted Research Committee:

The Restricted Research Committee is composed of the three LabEx Directors and eleven researchers and lecturers who are the leaders of the five Priority Research Topics Themes (PRT) of LabEx RESOURCES21, two lecturers who lead the transversal thematic areas of LabEx and a lecturer in charge of the LabEx training activities.

The Research Committee participates in defining LabEx's strategy under the impetus of the LabEx’s Direction and implements the actions necessary to develop this strategy. In particular it selects the research and training projects submitted for funding by LabEx RESOURCES21

Extended Research Committee:

The extended research committee is composed of the Restricted Research Committee members, the directors of the laboratory members of LabEx RESOURCES21 and the thirteen researchers and lecturers who lead the Priority Research actions (PRA). This committee coordinates the different themes addressed by the PRAs. Its members are at the interface between the LabEx management, the PRT and all of the researchers and lecturers involved in LabEx RESOURCES21. They contribute to the evaluation of the progress of projects funded by LabEx RESOURCES21.

Organisational structure 


Executive board 


Scientific Council