Title of the PhD thesis: Multidisciplinary risks assessment of the mining sector for territorial planning. Development of a prototype decision-making tool based on the example of gold miningin French Guiana.

Offer description / Abstract: Mining is a source of positive and negative impacts of different natures, that generally exceed the perimeter of mines sites, and that may have consequences on the wider socio-ecological systems in which they are located. On the other hand, mining projects also usually suffer from other types of risks caused by the surrounding human and natural environment. More


Call for a doctoral position in Biomolecular and ecophysiological insights to breed the ultimate tropical nickel phytomining crop

The general bbjectives will be to determine the key biomolecular physiological mechanisms of Ni hyperaccumulation in P. rufuschaneyi to inform selection and breeding of an improved metal crop in the tropical biome.

Candidate profile: The candidate has a foundation (MSc-level) in molecular biology and/or genetics and at least basic knowledge in agronomy. Additional skills are desirable (biogeochemistry, ecology). The candidate needs to speak English fluently and has good skills in English writing. Being able to work in different locations (France, Australia, Netherlands) is a prerequisite for the laboratory and fieldwork. Additional language skills (French or Dutch) are welcome. The field site is located in Sabah (Malaysia) in a remote area (Pahu village, Ranau). A high level of autonomy of the candidate is required to work with three advisors from three different institutions, and in the remote field site (only one or two times). More


For more job offers Consult also the doctoral school's website the Université de Lorraine: SIReNa